✨ Introducing AI Detector
Maintain the highest standards of integrity in your content with our advanced AI text detection, AI image detection, and text humanization. Our AI detector scans your text and flags any sentence that is generated by ChatGPT, Claude, Gemini, or other popular language models. Next, you can press the Humanize button to make sure your text will pass any AI tests.
The most accurate AI content detector for academic and professional use
Our advanced detection system uses state-of-the-art algorithms to identify AI-generated content from ChatGPT, GPT-4, Claude, Gemini, and other leading AI models. Get detailed authenticity reports and confidence scores in seconds.
Identify AI-generated content with unmatched precision. Our detector ensures reliable results across a wide range of AI writing tools.
Advanced text processing that preserves meaning while enhancing authenticity
Our intelligent text processing system analyzes and refines AI-generated content, making it more natural and authentic while maintaining the original message and intent.
Industry-leading AI image detection for professionals
Our advanced detection system identifies AI-generated images from popular models like DALL-E, Midjourney, and Stable Diffusion. Get detailed authenticity reports and confidence scores in seconds.
one-time payment
1 credit = 1,000 words detected
What do 400 credits get you?
per month
1 credit = 1,000 words detected
What do 400 credits get you?